Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Perfume Could Cure Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a vicious and tragic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Even if someone does not have cancer, the effects of it can be felt regardless. Most people have a friend, family member, or neighbor whose life has been touched in some way by the disease.

That's why Delville, a famous perfumer, decided to take a stand against breast cancer by developing a perfume to cure breast cancer. The perfume, called Promise Me, donates a substantial amount from each purchase to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a well-known and innovative breast cancer research and treatment facility.

Each purchase of a Promise Me perfume allows the foundation to get a considerable donation, and the money will be used to -

Fund research into destroying cancer cellsEducate men and women about how to cope with cancerDiagnose the disease in its earlier stagesTreat cancer patients and give them a second chance at life

Promise Me is an amazing idea that allows average people to donate to the cause while still getting something for themselves in return.

If you're like me, you're probably wondering what a perfume to cure breast cancer smells like. Promise Me has multiple, complex layers of scent that incorporate delicate rosewood and orchid laced with zestier scents like mandarin.

Delville dedicated himself to creating a perfume that represented life, joy, and hope. Promise Me is his attempt to bring breast cancer awareness to the forefront of world attention.

Thankfully, Promise Me has caught on with the public and is doing well enough. However, there is the potential to do a lot more for cancer patients in the future. That's why public participation in a program like Promise Me is so important.

Did you know that breast cancer occurs in men as well? Yes, it is true, and it is much more common than one might think. Do yourself and your loved ones a favor. Get yourself screened. Early detection is key. And while you're at it, ask your friends to do it too.

One of the best ways I've seen to make the process easier is to make a day out of it. Go to breakfast with your friends in the morning, all of you go have a screening, then spend the rest of the day having fun!

With simple steps like this, the terrible disease can usually be avoided all together. But for those who were not so fortunate, Promise Me is a ray of hope that gives patients a second chance at life. What better way to donate than to receive something for yourself in addition to the satisfaction of knowing that you can save someone's life.

You can support a perfume to cure breast cancer.

Promise Me, a perfume designed with the sole purpose of curing breast cancer, is the best way to donate to breast cancer research. I've seen some amazing ideas come out of the Promise Me campaign, and one simple purchase is all it takes to save the life of a cancer patient.


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