Breast cancer is a malignant tumor which originates from the tissues of the breast, especially the milk ducts and the lobules of the breast. This disease is more common in women and very rarely found in men. In the U.S., it is the second most common type of cancer among women, right after the non-melanoma skin cancer. In fact, it accounts for 28% of all cancer cases in women. Here are several other interesting statistics of breast cancer in the United States:
1. Caucasian women have greater chance of getting breast cancer than African American women. However, survival rate is greater in Caucasian women since African American women tend to be infected with more aggressive cancer cells. However, the cause of the case remains unknown. Women from other ethnicities such as Native American, Asian, or Hispanic have lower risk of developing the cancer if compared to Caucasian or African American women.
2. It is also the second most lethal cancer in women, after lung cancer. In 2010, 39,840 women were estimated to die because of this disease. The number has declined significantly since 1990 thanks to improved medical technology, early screening of the disease, and women's self awareness.
3. Around 5 - 10% of all cases are linked to genetic factors. If a woman inherits abnormal genetic changes or gene mutation from her mother or father, her risk of developing the disease increases up to 80%.
4. Although genetic factors play an important role, about 80% of women who are diagnosed with the disease do not have breast cancer history in her family. The occurrence of the disease is more likely to be caused by gene mutation that happens as a result of the aging process instead of inheritance.
5. Between 1999 and 2006, the rate of the cancer occurrence decreased around 2% each year. It is believed to be the result of the reduced use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). In 2002, a study entitled the Women's Health Initiative revealed that HRT increases the risk of breast cancer. Additionally, the therapy also increases the risk of uterine, ovarian, colorectal, and lung cancer.
6. 12% of U.S. women (about 1 in 8 women) are estimated to develop invasive or secondary breast cancer during the course of their lives. In 2010 alone, there were 207,090 new cases of this disease.
7. Meanwhile, 1,970 men were expected to develop the similar invasive type of cancer in 2010. This figure makes up roughly 1% of all new cases.
The statistics of breast cancer, especially about breast cancer occurrence and number of deaths caused, are continuously decreasing. Awareness about the disease as well advanced medical technologies are significant key factors to decrease the occurrence rate of the disease.
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