Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Breast Cancer, A Poetic Perspective

Most people either know someone or know of someone who has suffered from Breast Cancer. Within my family, in the Navy, and in my business career, I have known several courageous women diagnosed with this horrific disease. All made the decision to undergo surgical procedures from lymph node dissection to a mastectomy. Thankfully, all are survivors over 5 years; the longest post-surgery is 40 years, which speaks volumes for advances in treatment.

The Scar is a poem about meeting someone, falling in love, marrying, being diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and seeing cancer not as an end, but as a new beginning. I write poetry about Breast Cancer from my perspective as a male and my belief most men respond in a like manner. The Long Ride is a reflection of The Scar from a different perspective and Walk With Me is a poem of love and a journey to understanding. Rounding out this series of poems is my personal favorite Love Remains True.

The Scar

When first we met,

I marveled at your flawless flesh;

nary a wrinkle or blemish did offset.

Until cancer took your breast,

leaving a scar, obvious as a mountain range

upon your once flawless flesh.

The scar a reminder of what had been

and a symbol, not of an end,

but a new beginning of life again.

The Long Ride

It is not outward appearance


love does survive

it is inner beauty

takes love

for the long ride

Walk With Me

Walk With Me

What started on our first day

Will stay to the last

Walk With Me

Feel the wind upon your face

No urgency now

A gentle pace

Walk With Me

Along the beach

With golden sand beneath our feet

As the sun dips into the sea

Tears well

Emotions deep

Breathtaking, unable to speak

Walk With Me

Among the trees

The rustle of leaves

The groan of limbs

As wind swirls

Squirrels scurry for protection

Loving arms hold you near

Until an unwelcome presence passes

Away from here

Walk With Me

Through valleys lush and green

Crested by majestic peaks

Covered with ice and snow

A final journey for the weak

A comfort for us below

Walk With Me

As we have

Your hand in mine

Forever through the span of time

Love Remains True

the initial reaction repulsive

depression for the unknown

dissection takes away disease

healing the process of time

the scar a reminder of what was endured

becomes insignificant through understanding

love remains true

"Cancer Survival Rates" indicate the current 5-year breast cancer survival rate for women is 86% and the 10-year survival rate is 76%. These rates include women of all ages and at all stages of cancer. To narrow the statistical figures, the survival rate for women whose cancer has not metastasized, that is whose cancer has not moved into the lymph system or the other parts of the body is 96%.

Strength provides the component for the will to survive. Belief, for many, is the component providing the strength to prevail and overcome. Research and medicine provide the treatments that allow high survival rates, and hope for the eradication of this horrific disease. The future, is in this life.

In This Life

In this life,

I do not lie in darkness,

I am immersed in light.

"Cancer Survival Rates" may be found at:

No matter what you write, someone will love it.


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