Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness - Make A Difference With Ethically Made Promotional Products

Have you or a loved one ever been affected by breast cancer? This terrible disease affects one out of eight women in America, and the most recommended way to survive a diagnosis is early detection through self breast exams and mammograms. This is the main objective behind the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Charities and organizations rally around the cause to bring awareness to women about cancer prevention and early detection with the goal of saving lives and finding a cure.

The pink ribbon is the most recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness and serves as a reminder of how this disease affects our society. It is easy to pin on a pink ribbon or purchase related items to support these efforts. But you can also make a difference by organizing a fundraiser with custom made products where the proceeds are donated to cancer research and prevention. If you own a company or are involved in an organization, this is a great way to get involved. There are many product options available, and with a little creativity you can contribute to breast cancer awareness in a unique way.

When looking for breast cancer promotional item ideas, take it one step further by considering the source of the products and how they have been manufactured. What good is it to buy products that have been made in unsafe working conditions or with unfriendly environmental toxins that contribute to cancer? This type of consumption defeats the purpose of what cancer awareness is trying to achieve.

Fortunately there are ethical products available that can be customized for any promotional purpose including breast cancer. For example, there are pink Union Made t-shirts or sweatshirts that can be embroidered with your brand or logo. There are organic hats, tote bags and other accessories that can be made in pink. Other options include American made pink office supplies, sporting goods like pink golf clubs, pink drink-ware, or key chains that can all be customized with your own designs or message.

When you choose Union Made breast cancer promotional products, you will also be supporting the rights of workers to ensure they are receiving fair wages and have greater access to medical benefits and job security. When you choose organic promotional products, you are supporting eco-friendly causes and reducing the toxic load on the environment. When you choose American Made items, you are also supporting local workers while boosting the economy.

If fighting breast cancer is something that you are passionate about, you can take action to educate the public about health and cancer prevention measures in many creative ways. With the use of ethically made cancer awareness products, your support goes beyond the surface of this cause and you have the opportunity to do good on multiple levels.

For more information about ethically made promotional products and how you can make a difference in spreading breast cancer awareness, please visit Ethix Merch, a comprehensive resource guide for finding American made, union made and eco-friendly clothing and products for more great ideas.


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